
英語学英米文学専攻では、『英語学英米文学論集』の発行とともに、毎年秋に博士課程前期1年生が修士論文のテーマと構想について発表するTheme and Methodと英語学英米文学研究学会の同窓会を、3月はじめには修論発表会を開催しています。院生は学会で論文を発表したり、口頭発表を行うなど活発に研究を行っています。学外の研究者を招いての講演会も開催しています。最新の情報については、ブログでもお知らせしています。


  • 2023年(第31号)
  • 2022年(第30号)
  • 2021年(第29号)
  • 2020年(第28号)
  • 2019年(第27号)
  • 2018年(第26号)
  • 2017年(第25号)
  • 2016年(第24号)
  • 2015年(第23号)



1. Exploring the Varied Japanese American Experience, Way of Life, and Identity in the USA

芳野 太一朗(YOSHINO, Taichiro) (1)

2. An Analysis of the Characters, Themes, and Context of Peter Brown's Wild Robot Books

劉 晶(LIU, Jing) (15)

2022年度博士課程前期在学生研究ノート(Theme and Method)

3. The Perception of Word Boundaries by L1 Japanese and L1 Chinese Learners of English

北川 蓉華(KITAGAWA, Yuka) (21)



1. A Note on Idiosyncrasies of How Come

久保 善宏、鄭 磊、濱保 義宏、ファム ティ ニャット ザン
(KUBO, Yoshihiro, TEI, Rai, HAMAYASU, Yoshihiro, and PHAM, Giang T.N.) (1)


2. A Link between Speech Perception and Production: Assimilative and Contrastive Effects of Adjacent Segments on the Length Contrast in Japanese

石橋 頌仁(ISHIBASHI, Shoji) (23)

3. Sound Symbolic Patterns of English: Images of Hero and Villain

神谷 祥之介(KOYA, Shonosuke) (37)

4. A Survey of the Transition of and Proposals for Japanese English Education

小林 祐貴(KOBAYASHI, Yuki) (55)

5. A Comparative Study on Topicalization and Left-Dislocation in English and Vietnamese

ファム ティ ニャット ザン(PHAM, Giang T.N.) (69)

2021年度博士課程前期在学生研究ノート(Theme and Method)

6. Exploring the Varied Japanese American Identity, Experience, and Way of Life in the USA

芳野 太一朗(YOSHINO, Taichiro) (79)

7. An Analysis of the Characters, Themes, and Style of Peter Brown's Wild Robot Books

劉 晶(LIU, Jing) (85)



佐藤 哲三(SATO Tetsuzo) (93)


池田 肇子(IKEDA Choko) (95)


柴田 千秋(SHIBATA Chiaki) (97)


田中 誠(TANAKA Makoto) (101)


久保 善宏(KUBO Yoshihiro) (105)


鶴田 学(TSURUTA Manabu) (107)



1. The Conditions Determining the Category of English Stress Variants by CSP in the Lexicon

島田 拳太郎(SHIMADA, Kentaro) (1)

2. Using English Poems for Active Learning of English

塩田 理紗(SHIOTA, Risa) (17)

3. English Teaching Methods for Students with Special Needs

日野 実結(HINO, Miyu) (31)

4. An Analysis of the Protagonists, Supporting Characters, and Fantasy in Catherynne M. Valente’s Fairyland Series

周 洋(YANG, Zhou) (47)

5. An Analysis of Louise Erdrich’s The Birchbark House Series

刘 辉(HUI, Liu) (53)

2020年度博士課程前期在学生研究ノート(Theme and Method)

6 Assimilative and Contrastive Effects of Adjacent Segments on Perception of the Length Contrast in Japanese: Influence of a Dynamic F0

石橋 頌仁(ISHIBASHI, Shoji) (59)

7. Control of Speech Timing in Kagoshima Japanese: A Comparison of Older and Younger Speakers

神谷 祥之介(KOYA, Shonosuke) (63)

8. A Survey of the Transition of and Proposals for Japanese English Education -Focusing on English Education in the Kyushu Region-

小林 祐貴(KOBAYASHI, Yuki) (65)

9. Shakespeare’s Sonnets and the Quest for Poetic Immortality

時政 龍乃輔(TOKIMASA, Ryunosuke) (71)

10. A Comparative Study on Topicalization and Left-Dislocation in Vietnamese and English

ファム ティ ニャット ザン(PHAM, T. N. Giang) (79)



1. Sterling’s Growth in Almanac of the Dead: Having a Keen Eye and Regaining the Old Ways

大宅 由加利(OYA, Yukari) (1)

2. How Children Mature in Lois Lowry’s The Giver Quartet

瀬尾 亜紀(SEO, Aki) (11)

2019年度博士課程前期在学生研究ノート(Theme and Method)

3. The Conditions Determining the Category of English Stress Variants by CSP in the Lexicon

島田 拳太郎(SHIMADA, Kentaro) (17)

4. Using Literature in English for Active Learning of English

塩田 理紗(SHIOTA, Risa) (31)

5. English Teaching Methods for Students with Special Needs

日野 実結(HINO, Miyu) (39)

6. An Analysis of the Protagonists, Supporting Characters, and Fantasy in Catherynne M. Valente’s Fairyland Series

周 洋(YANG, Zhou) (45)

7. An Analysis of Louise Erdrich’s The Birchbark House Series

刘 辉(HUI, Liu) (51)


8. Literature, Scholarship, Dreams, and Neil Gaiman

馮 書穎(FENG, Shuying) (57)



1. Aspects of Solitude in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein

財部 聡志(TAKARABE, Satoshi) (1)

2. Non-Ordering of Application among Positional Functions in English Words

冨岡 美穂(TOMIOKA, Miho) (7)

2018年度博士課程前期在学生研究ノート(Theme and Method)

3. Sterling’s Growth in Almanac of the Dead:Having a Keen Eye for Tricks and Holding the Old Native American Ways

大宅 由加利(OYA, Yukari) (31)

4. Comparing the Four Novels in The Giver Quartet and Analyzing their Coherence

瀬尾 亜紀(SEO, Aki) (45)



1. The Growth in Winnie-the-Pooh and The House at Pooh Corner

大関 真菜(OZEKI, Mana) (1)

2. A Study on Chinese BA construction

欧 水花(OU, Shuihua) (9)

3. Teaching Method to Increase the Strategic Competence of Japanese EFL Learners in Junior High School

鳥飼 和泉(TORIKAI, Izumi) (23)

2018年度博士課程前期在学生研究ノート(Theme and Method)

4. Solitude in Frankenstein

財部 聡志(TAKARABE, Satoshi) (33)

5. Non-Ordering of Applications among Positional Functions in English Words

冨岡 美穂(TOMIOKA, Miho) (41)



1. Gender in The Aeneid and Lavinia

豊島 しおり(TOYOSHIMA, Shiori) (1)

2. Possibilities of Using Tabletop Role-Playing Games in English Language Teaching

大畑 雄貴(OHATA, Yuki) (9)

2017年度博士課程前期在学生研究ノート(Theme and Method)

3. A Study on Chinese BA construction

欧 水花(OU, Shuihua) (21)

4. Teaching Method to Increase the Strategic Competence of Japanese EFL Learners in Junior High School

鳥飼 和泉(TORIKAI, Izumi) (27)



1. Brideshead RevisitedとThe End of the Affairとの比較研究

福田 成美(FUKUDA, Narumi) (1)


2. The World Greatest Detective? A Study in Sherlock Holmes

石川 天志(ISHIKAWA, Tenshi) (15)

3. The Development of the Young Adult Dystopian Heroine: The Growth of Katniss in The Hunger Games Trilogy

馮 書穎(FENG, Shuying) (27)

2015年度博士課程前期在学生研究ノート(Theme and Method)

4. Paul’s Human Growth in Sons and Lovers

石橋 澪(ISHIBASHI, Mio) (37)

5. Growth in Winnie-the-Pooh and The House at Pooh Corner

大関 真菜(OOZEKI, Mana) (41)

6. Possibilities of Using Tabletop Role-Playing Games in English Language Teaching

大畑 雄貴(OHATA, Yuki) (47)

7. Gender in The Aeneid and Lavinia

豊島 しおり(TOYOSHIMA, Shiori) (51)



1.The Adjunction Analysis in Appositive Relative Clauses: Comparison and Evidence from the Interpretation of ARC

濱保 義宏(HAMAYASU, Yoshihiro) (1)


2.The Possibility of Using a Tablet Computer for English Education in China

陳 沈(CHEN, Chen) (25)

3.The Importance of ‘Education’ in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein: With Special Reference to the Relationship between Humans and Nature

鳥越 涼子(TORIGOE, Ryoko) (31)

4.The Theme of Pride in Arthur Miller’s Major Plays

圖志田 由布(ZUSHIDA, Yuu) (45)

2014年度博士課程前期在学生研究ノート(Theme and Method)

5.The World’s Greatest Detective? A Study in Sherlock Holmes

石川 天志(ISHIKAWA, Tenshi) (55)

6.The Development of the Young Adult Dystopian Heroine: The Growth of Katniss in the Hunger Games Trilogy

馮 書穎(FENG, Shuying) (61)




  • Non-Ordering of Applications among Positional Functions in English Words
  • Leslie Marmon Silkoの作品を中心としたアメリカ先住民文学の研究
  • A Cross-linguistic Comparison of Acoustic and Perceptual Cues for Length Contrast of Vowels and Consonants
  • The Phonetics and Phonology of Geminate Consonants: A Cross-linguistic Comparison of Segment Duration and Syllable Structure
  • A Comparative Study on Topicalization and Left-Dislocation in Vietnamese and English
  • A Survey of the Transition of and Proposals for Japanese English Education—Focusing on English Education in the Kyushu Region
  • Shakespeare’s Sonnets and the Quest for Poetic Immortality



年度 論文題目
令和5年度 The Perception of Word Boundaries by L1 Japanese and L1 Chinese Learners of English
年度 論文題目
令和4年度 Exploring the Varied Japanese American Experience, Way of Life, and Identity in the USA
An Analysis of the characters, Themes, and Context of Peter Brown's Wild Robot Books
年度 論文題目
令和3年度 A Cross-linguistic Comparison of Acoustic and Perceptual Cues for Length Contrast of Vowels and Consonants
The Sound Symbolic Patterns of English: Images of Hero and Villain
A Survey of the Transition of and proposals for Japanese English Education
A Comparative Study on Topicalization and Left Dislocation in Vietnamese and English.
年度 論文題目
令和2年度 The Conditions Determining the Category of English Stress Variants by CSP in the Lexicon
Using Literature in English for Active Learning of English
An Analysis of the Protagonists, Supporting Characters, and Fantasy in Catherynne M. Valente's Fairyland Series
English Teaching Methods for Students with Special Needs
An Analysis of Louise Erdrich's The Birchbark House Series
年度 論文題目
令和元年度 Sterling's Growth in Almanac of the Dead: Having a Keen Eye and Regaining the Old Ways
How Children Mature in Lois Lowry's The Giver Quartet
  •  過去分 
年度 論文題目
平成30年度 Aspects of Solitude in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein
Non-Ordering of Application among Positional Functions in English Words
年度 論文題目
平成29年度 The Growth in Winnie-the-Pooh and The House at Pooh Corner
A Study on BA Construction in Chinese
A Teaching Method to Increase the Strategic Competence of Japanese EFL Learners in Junior High School
年度 論文題目
平成28年度 Possibilities of Using Tabletop Role-Playing Games in English Language Teaching
Gender in The Aeneid and Lavinia
年度 論文題目
平成27年度 The World's Greatest Detective? A Study in Sherlock Holmes
The Development of the Young Adult Dystopian Heroine:
The Growth of Katniss in The Hunger Games Trilogy
年度 論文題目
平成26年度 The Theme of Pride in Arthur Miller's Major Plays
The Possibility of Using a Tablet Computer for English Education in China
The Importance of ‘Education’in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein:
With Special Reference to the Relationship between Humans and Nature