Features of Education and Clinical Psychology Major

This evening graduate school, where you can learn while at the same time holding down a job, makes it its main goal to nurture highly skilled professionals and provide recurrent education for working adults. In the master's program, students will be divided into the field of “education” and “clinical psychology”, and they will develop abilities for research and practice in line with education and clinical psychology in real-life scenarios. The doctoral program is made up of two parts: educational practice and clinical psychology.

In the field of education (master's program), it is possible to obtain a specialized teacher license. In the case of established teachers in particular, licenses for kindergartens, elementary schools, junior high schools, and high schools that have already been acquired can be transferred to a specialized license.

In the Field of Clinical Psychology (First Semester), students will be qualified to sit the Certified Public Psychologist examination. The Center for Clinical Psychology has also been established as a research and practical training facility for this major subject. In addition, we provide internships and practical training in conjunction with hospitals and other institutions.




障害の重い子どもの目標設定ガイド 第2版

障害の重い子どもの目標設定ガイド 第2版










本山智敬 他編著






















Japan-Australia Partnership in Health Joint Report on Phase2-Mental Health

Japan-Australia Partnership in Health Joint Report on Phase2-Mental Health

Kumiko Yoshioka et.al(日豪共同研究報告書)








Master's Program

Elective Required Subjects

Please click on the tab of the field you want to view.

  • Education
  • Clinical Psychology
Subjects Number of Credits
Special Lecture in Educational Anthropology I2 credits
Special Lecture in Educational Anthropology II2 credits
Special Lecture in Educational Anthropology III2 credits
Special Lecture in Educational Anthropology IV2 credits
Special Lecture in Educational Anthropology Ⅴ2 credits
Special Lecture in Educational Anthropology Ⅵ2 credits
Special Lecture in Educational Anthropology Ⅶ2 credits
Special Lecture in Educational Anthropology Ⅷ2 credits
Graduate Seminar in Educational Anthropology I2 credits
Graduate Seminar in Educational Anthropology II2 credits
Graduate Seminar in Educational Anthropology III2 credits
Graduate Seminar in Educational Anthropology IV2 credits
Graduate Seminar in Educational Anthropology Ⅴ2 credits
Graduate Seminar in Educational Anthropology Ⅵ2 credits
Graduate Seminar in Educational Anthropology Ⅶ2 credits
Graduate Seminar in Educational Anthropology Ⅷ2 credits
Special Lecture in Educational Theory of System I2 credits
Special Lecture in Educational Theory of System II2 credits
Special Lecture in Educational Theory of System III2 credits
Special Lecture in Educational Theory of System IV2 credits
Special Lecture in Educational Theory of System Ⅴ2 credits
Special Lecture in Educational Theory of System VI2 credits
Special Lecture in Educational Theory of System Ⅶ2 credits
Special Lecture in Educational Theory of System Ⅷ2 credits
Graduate Seminar in Educational Theory of System I2 credits
Graduate Seminar in Educational Theory of System II2 credits
Graduate Seminar in Educational Theory of System III2 credits
Graduate Seminar in Educational Theory of System IV2 credits
Graduate Seminar in Educational Theory of System Ⅴ2 credits
Graduate Seminar in Educational Theory of System VI2 credits
Graduate Seminar in Educational Theory of System Ⅶ2 credits
Graduate Seminar in Educational Theory of System Ⅷ2 credits
Subjects Number of Credits
Special Lecture on Clinical Psychology I2 credits
Special Lecture on Clinical Psychology II2 credits
Special Studies on Psychotherapy I2 credits
Special Studies on Psychotherapy II2 credits
Research Methods in Clinical Psychology2 credits
Advanced Practices in Clinical Psychology I2 credits
Advanced Practices in Clinical Psychology II2 credits
Seminar in Psychological Assessment I2 credits
Seminar in Psychological Assessment II2 credits

Elective Subjects

Subjects Number of Credits
Special Lecture in Educational Theory of School2 credits
Special Lecture of Moral Education2 credits
Special Lecture in Educational Research Design and Statistics 2 credits
Special Lecture in Educational Theory of Family2 credits
Advanced Theory of Community Education2 credits
Special Lecture in Lifelong Learning 2 credits
Special Lecture of Career Development2 credits
Special Lecture in Comparative Theory of International Education I2 credits
Special Lecture in Comparative Theory of International Education II2 credits
Special Lecture in Intercultural Education2 credits
Special Lecture in Adolescent Education2 credits
Special Lecture of Educational Research2 credits
Special Lecture in Counseling Theory of Education2 credits
Special Lecture on Psychotherapy2 credits
Special Lecture on psychosomatic medicine2 credits
Special Lecture on Clinical Personality2 credits
Administration related to Clinical Psychology2 credits
Special Lecture on Clinical Community Support2 credits
Basic Practicum in Clinical Psychology I2 credits
Basic Practicum in Clinical Psychology II2 credits
Practicum in Clinical Psychology I2 credits
Practicum in Clinical Psychology II2 credits
Support Theory and Applications in Medical and Health Area2 credits
Support Theory and Applications in Social Welfare Area2 credits
Support Theory and Applications in Educational Area2 credits
Support Theory and Applications in Forensics and Criminology Area2 credits
Support Theory and Applications in Industry and Work Area2 credits
Theory and Practice of Psychological Assessment2 credits
Theory and Practice of Psychological Support2 credits
Support Theory and Practice for Family, Group, and Community2 credits
Theory and Practice for Mental Health Education2 credits
Advanced Practical Training in Psychology I2 credits
Advanced Practical Training in Psychology II2 credits
Advanced Practical Training in Psychology III2 credits
Advanced Practical Training in Psychology IV2 credits
Advanced Practical Training in Psychology V2 credits
Special Studies on Statistical Methods in Psychology2 credits
Special Study in Educational Psychology2 credits

Doctoral Program

Educational Practice

Tutorial Academic Subjects Number of Credits
Special Study of Educational Practice I4 or 12 credits
Special Study of Educational Practice II4 or 12 credits
Special Study of Educational Practice III4 or 12 credits
Special Research Lecture of Educational Practice I4 credits
Special Research Lecture of Educational Practice II4 credits
Special Research Lecture of Educational Practice III4 credits
Special Research Lecture of Educational Exploration4 credits
Special Research Lecture of Educational Anthropology4 credits

Clinical Psychology

Tutorial Academic Subjects Number of Credits
Special Research on Clinical Psychology I4 or 12 credits
Special Research on Clinical Psychology II4 or 12 credits
Special Research on Clinical Psychology III4 or 12 credits
Special Research on Clinical Psychology IV4 or 12 credits
Special Studies on Clinical Psychology I4 credits
Special Studies on Clinical Psychology II4 credits
Special Studies on Clinical Psychology III4 credits
Special Studies on Clinical Psychology IV4 credits

Online Syllabus Click here for subject details

Messages from Current Students

NUIZATO Risa Admission in 2023,
Master's Program Field of Education
I enrolled in graduate school because I wanted to learn more in depth about pedagogy. What makes me particularly happy about advancing to higher education is the opportunity to be exposed to the thoughts and feelings of various individuals involved in education while gaining a variety of valuable experiences. At times, I have had the opportunity to participate in conferences, research groups, and interview surveys, and at other times, I have been able to attend lectures with people engaged with night school to gain yet further experiences. I felt the most motivated when I encountered the academic atmosphere in which research and academia were flourishing, with people bringing together findings from their own respective areas of research, conveying and discussing what they saw in the field. I was also both intrigued and impressed by the lectures, not only by the topics they explored, but also by the words spun by the professors, such as what they are conscious of in everyday life and what kind of research methods they use to give a voice to the attitudes of people before them who they seek to address.
Furthermore, one of the unique attributes of the Educational and Clinical Psychology major is that many working professionals are also studying here. The stories we hear from these people in the field are of the utmost importance and provide us with a plethora of new insights. In this way, I believe that one of the great merits of proceeding to graduate school is not only due to being able to develop our advanced specialization by receiving guidance from experienced professors with diverse expertise, but also because we can experience the thoughts and ideas of people we have the chance to encounter and exchange ideas with, precisely because we belong to the graduate school of this university. I have learned that by expanding my knowledge and ideas via such interactions, I can look at the state of others, education, and society from a more multifaceted perspective.
I was initially anxious when embarking on my journey to study pedagogy more seriously in graduate school, but thanks to the generous and considerate guidance of my academic supervisor along with other professors and senior students, I am now spending my days in a rewarding manner. While feeling grateful for this fertile environment, I would like to work diligently in my future graduate school life and consider how I might give back what I have learned there. I am greatly looking forward to the day when I will be able to study with everyone who is considering attending graduate school at our university.
NOGAMI Tsukushi Admission in 2023,
Master's Program Field of Clinical Psychology
I studied at Fukuoka University for four years and entered graduate school. During my four years of undergraduate study, I became acquainted with both "psychology" and "clinical psychology," and I wanted to be like the professors and senior students who were working to support people by fully utilizing psychology, hence I myself began to aspire to become a Certified Public Psychologist. The first year of graduate school was very intense, and I found enjoyment in "clinical learning," which notably differs from classroom learning. I am spending a very meaningful time here, applying the knowledge I have acquired so far, but also discovering more about my still undeveloped self, studying further, and engaging in friendly rivalry with my peers. Life at the graduate school consists of on-campus training at the Center for Clinical Psychology and Yutoria, a school adjustment support course, as well as off-campus training (in the fields of medicine, health, welfare, and education) during the daytime, while attending lectures, conferences, and group supervision in the evening. It is not a particularly easy-going life, but it is a fulfilling one over the days, and I feel that it is helping me to make the most of it. My favorite time during my life as a graduate student is spent chatting with others. Of course, small talk and hobbies also form topics of conversation, but what I find interesting is discussing with fellow aspiring psychologists aiming to become Certified Public Psychologists about their own experiences and thoughts throughout their practical training. I can't even begin to fully cover the cases I am in charge of, the support policies at Yutoria, and other benefits I gain from my daily practical training. I also have plenty of opportunities to talk not only with my peers but also with professors, and I find it immensely enjoyable absorbing diverse viewpoints and opinions, which gives me a sense of expanding my own perspectives. While treasuring times such as these, I believe it is necessary from now on to reflect on how I can serve as a psychologist in society and how I can become a person who can act in a supporting role for others. I would like to continue to pursue my studies in-depth at the graduate school, while valuing continuous efforts and small cumulative steps.

Process of Acquiring a Master’s Degree or PhD

Master's Program

Requirements for Applying for a Master’s Degree

  1. Period of Enrollment
    You must be enrolled in the master's program for more than 2 years.
  2. Credit Requirements
    A total of 32 credits or more must be obtained for a predetermined subject.

Process to Apply for a Degree

● Field of Education
  • Framework of Research Guidance
    Under the guidance of a supervisor, conduct research toward obtaining a degree (Pedagogy). In addition to individual guidance from a supervisor, students receive guidance on their research themes from a more multifaceted and interdisciplinary perspective through master's thesis concept presentation attended by faculty staff in the field of education and current students. Students will acquire the qualities of a highly-skilled professional through various types of presentation, such as presentation at conferences, submission to academic journals, and submission to the Journal of the Graduate School.
  • First year
    April: Receive guidance on the research topic, research plan, and other matters related to the thesis preparation.
    From May to March of the following year: Individual guidance from a supervisor. At the master's thesis concept presentation (October), students report on the progress of their research and receive guidance and advice from other faculty staff and graduate students. When research results above a certain level are obtained, they will be presented at conferences and submitted for publication to receive wide internal and external evaluation.
  • Second year
    April: Based on the progress of the first year, the research plan is reviewed as necessary.
    From April to December: Students continue to receive individual guidance from their supervisors. At the master's thesis interim debriefing sessions (May and October), students present the progress and results of their research and receive guidance and advice from other faculty staff and graduate students to further advance their thesis work. When research results above a certain level are obtained, they will be presented at conferences and submitted for publication to receive wide internal and external evaluations.
    October: Submit the thesis proposal.
    From January to February: Submit the thesis. Take oral examinations and final examinations at the master's thesis presentation.
● Field of Clinical Psychology
  • Framework of Research Guidance
    Under the guidance of a supervisor, conduct research toward obtaining a degree (Clinical Psychology). In addition to individual guidance from the supervisor, students receive guidance on their research themes from a more multifaceted and practical perspective through interim master's thesis presentations attended by faculty staff in the field of clinical psychology and current students.
  • First year
    April: Receive guidance from the assigned supervisor on the research topic, research plan, and other matters related to the thesis preparation.
    From May to March of the following year: Individual guidance from the supervisor. Receive guidance and advice from other faculty staff and graduate students as appropriate to continue the research. At the master's thesis interim presentation (around June), students listen to presentations by second-year students and learn how to conduct research and make presentations. At the master's thesis presentation (January), students learn how to summarize and present their research.
  • Second year
    April: Based on the progress of the first year, the research plan is reviewed as necessary.
    From April to July: Individual guidance from the supervisor. Receive evaluations, guidance and advice from other faculty staff and graduate students as appropriate to continue the research. At the master's thesis interim presentation (around June), the progress of the research will be presented and the process toward completion of the thesis will be confirmed.
    From July to December: Proceed with the thesis writing with continued guidance.
    October: Submit the thesis proposal.
    From January to February: Submit the thesis. Take oral examinations and final examinations at the master's thesis presentation.

Doctoral Program

Requirements for Applying for a PhD

  1. Period of Enrollment
    Those who have been enrolled in the doctoral program for more than 3 years, have earned the required credits, and have received the necessary research guidance.

Process to Apply for a Degree

● Field of Education
  • Framework of Research Guidance
    Receive guidance on research activities from the research supervisor and continue working toward obtaining a degree (Pedagogy). Receive guidance on research topics from a more multifaceted and interdisciplinary perspective, not only through individual guidance from the supervisor, but also through internal research presentations attended by faculty staff in the education field and all enrolled students. Graduate students will develop their research activities, report the results of their research at academic conferences, submit papers to specialized academic journals, and experience rigorous peer review, while acquiring the ability to carry out their research activities independently.
  • First year
    April: Under the guidance of the supervisor, students work on setting up a research project, taking into consideration the originality and academic significance of the research. Conduct a close reading of previous studies, etc., formulate a research plan, and continue with the research.
    From May to March of the following year: The doctoral thesis concept presentation will be held in May. Accumulate research results based on continuous and in-depth discussions with the research supervisor. In addition to individual guidance, students report on the progress of their research at internal research presentations attended by faculty staff in the field of education and all enrolled students, and receive guidance on their research topics from a more multifaceted and interdisciplinary perspective. Once coherent results are obtained, students will actively make presentations at academic conferences and submit papers to receive wide evaluations both inside and outside the university. A progress report meeting will be held in October.
  • Second year
    April: Based on the progress of the first-year research, the research plan is reviewed as necessary.
    From April to March of the following year: The progress of the research is monitored at on-campus research presentations, etc., and in-depth discussions with the supervisor and points raised at on-campus research presentations, etc., are fed back to the research content. Continue to present research results by submitting them to conferences and academic journals. Research progress report meetings will be held in May and October.
  • Third year
    From April to October: Further writing of the main body of the thesis while summarizing research achievements and results to date. When preparing the thesis, students receive specific guidance on content and structure from their supervisor. The interim report meeting of the doctoral thesis will be held in May.
    October: Submit the thesis and request for dissertation review after approval from the research supervisor.
    January: Doctoral degree application thesis presentation (public hearing) (final examination) will be held.
● Field of Clinical Psychology
  • Framework of Research Guidance
    Receive guidance on research activities from the supervisor and continue working toward obtaining a degree (Clinical Psychology). Graduate students will conduct a series of research activities, report the results at academic conferences, submit papers to specialized journals, and experience rigorous peer review, thereby acquiring the ability to carry out research activities independently.
  • First year
    April: Under the guidance of the supervisor, students work on setting up a research project, taking into consideration the originality and academic significance of the research. Conduct a close reading of previous studies, etc., formulate a research plan, and continue with the research.
    From May to March of the following year: Accumulate research results based on continuous and in-depth discussions with a supervisor. Once coherent results are obtained, students will actively make presentations at academic conferences and submit papers to receive wide evaluations both inside and outside the university.
  • Second year
    April: Based on the progress of the first-year research, the research plan is reviewed as necessary.
    From April to March of the following year: Research is conducted under the guidance of a supervisor. Continue to present research results by presenting at conferences, submitting to academic journals, etc.
  • Third year
    From April to October: Further writing of the main body of the thesis while summarizing research achievements and results to date. When preparing the thesis, students receive specific guidance on content and structure from their supervisor. The interim report meeting of the doctoral thesis will be held in May.
    October: Continue to summarize research achievements and results and prepare the thesis. Submit the thesis and request for dissertation review after approval from the research supervisor.
    January: Doctoral degree application thesis presentation (public hearing) (final examination) will be held.