Overview of Entrance Examination
Master’s Program
History, Japanese Language and Literature, English Language and Literature, German Language and Literature, French Language and Literature, Education and Clinical Psychology, Socio-Cultural Studies
There are two ways for students to complete their master’s program
1. Employment
2. Progress on to doctoral program
Doctoral Program
History, Japanese Language and Literature, English Language and Literature, German Language and Literature, French Language and Literature, Education and Clinical Psychology
Entrance Examination System
There are four types of examinations for enrolling on each program.
- General Entrance Examination
- Working-Adult Entrance Examination
- International Student Entrance Examination
- Recommended Entrance Examination (* This examination is only implemented for the [master's program] for English Language and Literature, German Language and Literature, French Language and Literature, and Education and Clinical Psychology. [Undergraduate students of Fukuoka University] are eligible. For details, check with the faculty of your major.)
Eligibility for Application
The eligibility for application varies depending on the type of entrance examination. For details, we ask that you read the entrance examination guidelines.
Q&A about Our Graduate School
Do I need to contact an academic instructor of my choice to apply?
The entrance examination guidelines do not stipulate anything with regards to making contact with an academic instructor, and so it is not mandatory. However, it is recommended that the academic instructor of your choice confirms beforehand whether they can supervise the details of your research.
I would like to get in touch with a faculty member, so please share their email address.
If you wish to contact a faculty member, please consult the University's Graduate School Administration Office via email.(gakuin@adm.fukuoka-u.ac.jp)
When I was an undergraduate student, I majored in a specialized field different from the one I wish to apply for. Can I still apply?
The eligibility for application does not specify a specialist field, and therefore you can apply. However, you will have to sit an examination on your desired specialized field in the entrance examination.
How can I obtain past question papers?
Past question papers are made available at the Graduate School of Humanities, you can view and make copies of them in the graduate school office. Past papers are made available only at the counter in the graduate school office, and are not available by post. Be aware that availability will be temporarily suspended directly before and after the fall and spring entrance exams.
Are there majors that provide an evening program?
In the first and doctoral program for Education and Clinical Psychology, lecturers are only held in the evening.
First evening lecture...6:00 pm to 7:30 pm
Second evening lecture...7:40 pm to 9:10 pm